Blog > Building Credit For Beginners
If you are anything like me credit cards and debt scare you. I bought my car, motorcycle, my wife’s engagement ring, well everything with cash. Cash is king right? No. Well, not in this situation. Despite, what I had believed to be, good spending habits I was at a disadvantage when shopping for home loans and even rentals with no credit history.
I’ve had a sour outlook to credit cards and car loans because I have seen my peers and co-workers drown themselves in credit card debt and take a car loan on a 18% interest rate and justify it by saying “I have good credit” or “it’s building my credit”.
This article helped change my perspective because it has some creative ways to build and maintain credit but also not every person that has a credit card is buried in debt like some of my past coworkers. Lenders want to see a history of responsible borrowing and a credit score/history is a way they check that.
Check it out!
- Josh